Help:Editing Guide

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Hello, dear user! This is a guide for editors of the wiki. This will be a work in progress document.


Display a Single Image

A 3D rendered pterasaur used as a demonstration image.
An example of an image hosted on Guattari-Wiki.
Two blue and gold macaws used as a demonstration image.
An example of an image hosted on Wikimedia Commons.

To display images, use the following:



  • FILENAME = The filename in the File List. You can also use filenames on Wikimedia Commons.
  • thumb = Displays the file as a thumbnail that floats on the side.
  • PIXELS = Number of pixels of width of the image.
  • ALT_TEXT = Alt text for low vision users or users with slow connections.
  • CAPTION = The caption text displayed below the image. Technically, this is optional.

You can view more details about images on MediaWiki here.

Display a Gallery of Images

You can display a gallery of images with the following code:







  • IMG1, IMG2 = Image filenames. Like regular images can be from Guattari-Wiki or Wikimedia Commons.
  • ALT_TEXT = Alt text of the image for low vision users or users with slow internet connections.
  • CAPTION1, CAPTION2 = Captions displayed below the images.


Please, only upload images that you have permission to use.

If you cannot find a good image for an article, you can use the filename as on Wikipedia (Wikimedia Commons) and the link will still work. Do not reupload the same image that is on Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons onto Guattari-Wiki - this is a waste of valuable resources and you will get slapped with the Stick of Superego Shame.


All images should have alt text defined. Additionally, on the image's file page, the following should be defined:

  • A description of the image.
  • If the image is a photograph or scan of writing, a complete transcription of the text.